Hi!! How have you been?
Northern Eyes: I'd like to thank for all the people who came to my release party on May 16 2009. I was really happy that I could share the music and the atmosphere with everyone who came to SUNSHINE at the night.
Moreover, I would like to thank specially to staffs. They worked with their own idea without any of my instructions for going shopping, carrying stuffs into the club, setting everything, I really grateful for your big help. I hope you will continue to support LAM.
I specially thank to Tatsuya, Takuya, Takuji, Masafum!, Kenta, Chibitaku, Kainomutsunowa, Kyoko, Yoshiko, Ariran, Motoko and Yasuko. I could concentrate my attention on playing music. I hope to talk over a drink with you all soon.
When I close my eyes, the memory of the dance floor at the party clearly flash across my mind. I could see people who were enjoying dancing over drinks and I could see a dancer who was crying while he is dancing. I really appreciate it if they could feel something to move their heart at the party.
There was one memorable thing for me. When I played Heartech for the last tune, I invited all the people to the dance floor, including staffs, PA, the owner of SUNSHINE. I can't forget everyone's each expression and the way of their dancing at the floor . Each view were really special moments for me.
I promise I put all the things I felt at the night into my music, so I hope you to look forward to listen to it.
I totally can't imagine who got my record which was released on May 16th though, I'd like to say "Thank you!!" to people who had the courage to buy and listen to my music. I keep making tracks which well deserve your intensity so I hope you to keep giving love to LAM.
GROOVE: I have a news about LAIF ART MUSIC.
As some people may know, a famous Japanese music magazine "GROOVE" is available at every bookstore in Japan. And my second single "Northern Eyes" was introduced in it!! Furthermore, my record was selected as one of 11 best HOUSE singles in the first half (of the fiscal year)!!! I'm so grateful!!
In the issue, the article about my record is reported with the records of great artists who create wonderful music in the world. I'll be really happy if people who has believed and enjoyed music of LAM since I released the 1st single in 2007 would check the page and would be happy like I was. It was published on June 27th, so don't miss it!!
@@more info
The first photo below is a photo of my record on the shelf at DMR tokyo, which was sent by a buyer of DMR on the other day. And the other one is a photo of a House Buyer, Ryota Kawase(left) and me.
@iClick for bigger onej

The summer season has come. I keep making tracks and working hard toward the autumn season, and keep going straight on my way.
I'm excited to work on the first album of Taisuke Chiba which is supposed to be released from LAIF ART MUSIC in the near future. I specially expect everyone who is reading this diary now to looking forward to it.
One more announcement. I removed Gallery page from the menu. Instead of it, I'm going to upload some photos on myspace. Please check it.
See you soon!!